Cesarean Scar Release Therapy

this innovative treatment offers an effective and long-lasting approach to reducing patient pain levels and dramatically improves functional outcomes including better movement, improved strength, as well as visible healing.

Our Scar Release Treatment is an effective, non-invasive method of releasing restrictive scar tissue and the surrounding muscles and fascia impacted by scarring. 

The result? Reduced pain levels, better range of movement and function, and reduction of the visible appearance of the scar.

Whether it’s returning to exercise or simply caring for your new babe, we’re here to help you get back to doing what you love to do—with less pain and more confidence than ever!


How does it work?

Using Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS), an innovative technique that increases the skin’s inter cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing function to re-awaken the skin’s regeneration process, our practitioners can safely reduce dermal trauma, adhesions and fascial restrictions resulting in a noticeably smaller, softer scar with increased overall mobility and reduced pain. 

The Dolphin Neurostim™ technology is clinically tested and proven to increase the skin’s healing potential by minimizing tense scar tissue. Approved by both Health Canada and the FDA, the Scar Release Therapy can quickly, effectively and painlessly release thickened cesarean scars and improve the look and feel of your scar creating noticeable results within a short period of time.


The benefits of Scar Release Therapy include:

  • Improved look and feel of scars

  • Diminished chronic pain

  • Reduced trigger point tenderness 

  • Diminished scar size and improved texture 

  • Reduced stress and muscle tone within the body



be you. be well.

whether it’s returning to exercise or simply caring for your new babe, we’re here to help you get back to doing what you love to do—with less pain and more confidence than ever!



your wellbe cesarean scar release therapy practitioners



If you have any questions about Cesarean Scar Release Therapy, please use our chat box, or contact us.


The stimulation that is perceived by most individuals is described as a heat sensation or sometimes a faint tingling sensation. The more dense the tissue is, the stronger the sensation. Oftentimes patients do not feel the stimulation at all and this can be equally as effective for treatment.

The Dolphin Neurostim comes with two microcurrent point devices.

Yes! This Scar Release Therapy can be effectively used to treat scarring from many other different surgeries such as breast reductions, appendectomies or other abdominal surgeries, knee or hip surgery, shoulder surgery and more.

The number of sessions needed will be determined by the extent of the scar tissue as well as the healing and regeneration process, which varies person to person. Your wellbe practitioner will further guide your plan of healing and can answer any questions you may have. Most individuals only require between 3 to 4 sessions.

The microcurrent point stimulation (MPS) is not recommended during pregnancy.

Most individuals will notice a significant change in appearance, texture, pain and mobility after just the first session.

No need to wait at all! In fact doing therapy on your scar prior to subsequent surgeries and C/Section deliveries will help release already formed scar tissue and will help speed up healing the next time around. The less scar tissue to begin with - is always a good thing for subsequent pregnancies and deliveries!

You may begin our C-section Scar Release Therapy as soon as 6 weeks after surgery.