wellbe's 12 Days of Gratitude Challenge

4 min read

As we enter the holiday season on the heels of the pandemic and as things get back to normal, wellbe is getting grateful for the things we truly value and for the community we’ve cultivated over the past few years - through all of the challenges we’ve overcome!

It is time to focus on the light we have inside of us and on sharing that positive energy with others.

This holiday season, we are encouraging you - our community, our family, to join us by giving thanks for the things we have and hold dear.

Every day for the next 12 days, join us as we share specific, tangible ways to express gratitude for the people places and things in your life.

There have been numerous studies that demonstrate the increased quality of life that can come with daily gratitude. A few ways that being grateful can improve your quality of life include:

  1. Improved psychological health - giving and receiving acts of kindness reduces emotional instability and increases happiness

  2. Gratitude enhances empathy - gratefulness creates sensitivity and empathy by releasing feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Individuals showing kindness and concern have a lower level of the stress hormone, cortisol.

  3. Improved physical health - becoming grateful for the parts of your body that work and support your well-being enhances your effort when it comes to staying in shape. Studies show that grateful people are healthier and fitter.  Practicing gratitude has been linked to lower rates of depression, higher energy levels and few sleep issues - win, win!

How does the gratitude challenge work?

  1. The goal of the 12-day gratitude challenge is to share something every day that makes you feel thankful; it could be a photo, an illustration, a quote, your own words, etc. - gratitude can be expressed in many different ways!

  2. Join in at any time! The point is to focus on gratitude for 12 days. Don’t worry if you can’t post every day. You can start at any time and do what works for you! Click here to download our 12-day gratitude challenge calendar and keep an eye on our Instagram page to follow along!

  3. Use the hashtag #begrateful when posting so we can all share our pics and support one another!

  4. We will be sharing some themes each day! Feel free to use them to help inspire you… Or do your own thing!

No matter who or what you’re grateful for this holiday season we hope that you’ll take on the challenge and find ways to express your thanks. We can’t wait to see what you share!